Monday, April 21, 2008

Zero Day

Today is Zero Day. With people arriving all day. Bike reassembly and inspection going on pretty much constantly. In the picture below Jim the official mechanic and Frank who works in a bike shop confer on a bike's set up. Scott, Bill, Frank and I went on a ride of about 30 miles on the Pacific Coast Highway. We had our introduction meeting this afternoon with all aspects of the ride being discussed. I feel we got a good sense of what to expect and what was expected of us. All the safety issues we will face. The routines for loading up in the morning. We got the route sheet for tomorrow and there is going to be a lot of careful navigating to be done. Everybody got to introduce themselves to the group. There will be 30 doing the full ride, 2 going part of the way and 4 staff. In the morning we will be off in earnest to see the US from the seat of a bicycle.

1 comment:

Rolling Rs said...

Stormin' Norman!

Robert The Scribe here keeping tabs on your sojourn as you traverse our great nation. Can't tell you how delighted I am to see that you are doing this and representing South Florida cyclists, whether you like it or not!

Let everyone there know that we, or at least I, wish them a very safe journey. I am extremely jealous that I am unable to do something so majestic and awe-inspiring, but I am sure that I will enjoy it nevertheless (vicariously) as I read your daily posts. Keep 'em coming.

Remember that when you feel like quitting about all of the regrets you will have for not completing the journey. You are a well-oiled machine that will have no problem being put to task.

I'll write you again soon.

Godspeed Norm!