Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Last Training Ride

Today was the last training ride before I leave. I have done one of those infamous tapers that triathletes are so wild about that I just don't believe in. I ended up with 8670 so far this year. This is far more mileage than I put on my Ford Escape. If you are out riding your bike you can't be burning up any dead dinosaurs.
I would like to give a thumbs up to Katie and Heather at Purely Custom for getting me some specialty items that I ordered. They were both so helpful. It is is nice to have such good service.

The top cap and handle bar plugs are called venom. Very cool. This afternoon I spent some time disassembling the bike and packing it into the shipping box.

T minus one day and counting....


Anonymous said...

Thumbs UP and all systems are a "GO"...


Can't wait to see your adventure in pictures!!!

See you back on the East Coast...


Unknown said...

Good luck and stay away from land boats, Dave Smith

Unknown said...

Super Well Done! Enjoy the rides and we'll catch up again at Lario's, on Miami's south. Can't wait to hear from you how it really went...

The Juan and only