Friday, May 2, 2008

Riding The Pampa

Dalhart to Pampa TX. The bar b que place provided breakfast this morning. Quite good. After eating we had route rap and Mike made the announcement about Andrew leaving the tour. There were some really shocked people. I think some didn't know how much he had been struggling the last few days. America by Bicycle has an attrition rate of about 10%. Mike says that since we have reached that the rest of us have to make Savannah. Todays route is ever so slightly downhill till just before lunch then up and down to the finish. It is in the 30's when we leave and I didn't realize it would be so cold. I have finger less gloves, light sox on and nothing on under my helmet. My hands, feet and head are like blocks of ice. I am afraid to even try to take my water bottle out of the cage because I'm sure I would just drop it. Mike is driving the mechanics van talking pictures. At the SAG he tells me today was the first day he was able to get in front of me to get some photos of me riding. I am so glad to be at the SAG so I can eat and drink something. James and I ride out together. We are finally on some roads that I can get into my aero bars and really hammer. I push James to his limit but he will return the favor after lunch when we are in the uphill downhill phase. At lunch there was a veggie platter and I got tunnel vision. My whole lunch centered on that platter. Probably not the best thing to ride on but I felt fresh veggie deprived. Mike was out taking pictures and says he got some great shots of James and I together. We had route rap at 5 instead of at breakfast. I did some preventive maintenance on the bike. Had dinner next door with James, one of the two Scotts and one of the three Bills. We also have two Erics, how can this be in such a small group? We have a short cold ride for tomorrow. Yes, I will dress properly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blogs. You should publish it when you get home. Ride safely and be careful.