Saturday, May 3, 2008

Four States Down

Pampa to Elk City OK. Elevation 1919' todays climbing 2100'. Temp at start 35f. Wind NNW at 20 gusting higher. Eric, Frank, James and I settled into a small group fighting the cross winds. We were passing the riders that had started in front of us at a fairly steady rate. Though in the end it took a long time to reel in Conrad and Tom, the front runners at that point. The terrain in this area is what we in Miami would call rolling but if there were any cyclists in this area they would call it fairly flat. We were supposed to be descending all day but it just didn't seam that way with the cross winds. There isn't much to see. There were some wind generators. Then there were oil pumps scattered around with none of them pumping. Cattle feed lots which I might have mentioned stink to high heaven. There were some range cattle that started a minor stampede as we passed. Or they were running in boredom. You decide. The usual assortment of road kill and dead bungee cords. At the first SAG the only place out of the wind is in the lee of the van. Conrad and Tom leave before the group of four and I think that they have a big enough lead that we won't see them till the OK state line. Soon though we are gaining on them and Chris is just behind us. Jim passes us in the other van and stops to take pictures as we pass him. At the state line James and Chris sprint for the oh so dubious new state/old state honors. I don't see who wins this great event. All I know is as we cross the line we lose the nice smooth shoulder we had. Jim drives up at just the right moment to take some group shots under the Oklahoma sign. At lunch by the time we are ready to leave there is a large group eating lunch on the slab of some store that used to be there. Chris has snuck off by himself and we won't see him until we have checked in at the motel with our chocolate milk and snickers. I go to my room and call Amy to get the run down on the rescheduled Springsteen concert. Sounds like a great time was had. The dinner choices are fast food or Western Slizzler, a slightly better fast food. I may be becoming pasta deprived. One of the things about working so hard at a repetative task is losing track of the details so quickly. I think we may cross the half way point tomorrow. Totally amazing.


Anonymous said...

Norman, yesterday a huge number of cyclists (most of highly suspect bike-handling ability) paid homage to you by riding down Card Sound Road as part of the annual MS ride. It wasn't nearly as fun without you there but El Boriqua did a nice job leading the pack in your place. Keep on truckin' bro.

Unknown said...

I cannot even remember the details from the 75-mile MS ride yesterday to Pennekamp. How you so vividly paint a picture of your ride everyday (at almost twice the distance) amazes me.

We are all riding with you. It is inspiring. Keep it up!


Taxi said...

wow Norman!... Jolly good show!!... Half way there but already on top of the world in my eyes... truly an awesome experience you chose to undertake... Respect and good peddling luck!

from your old friend

Kevin M.Kirwin said...

Norman we all suck and you are the man! The Men of the BOB Salute you.

B logan neglected to tell you the little detail about the guy taking a nature break in the middle of an 80+ person pack - he did mention the sketchy bike handling. Fortunatley I flatted on Card Sound Road and had the benefit of riding by myself into a headwind. Was very good training and safer. keep blogging and ride safe,

DJB said...

Norm, thought about you & your bullet proof tires all day Saturday. I got THREE flats during the MS ride. Mario has yet to score 1 on his set of Continental 4000 S.
So sweet to have traffic cleared for us....all we had to do was push against the wind.
All your previous talk of Mexican food--ended up having some twice last week. The last batch w/ Mr. Bob, Kevin, Mario, Leon & some of this year's "Goddesses of BOB" at Senor Frijoles in Key Largo.
Keep on leaving them in the safe!